business opinion on the draft law “On the domestic trade”

Feb 19 2013 published c earnings

Online Forbes Ukraine opinions of representatives of retail trade and industry associations on the draft Law of Ukraine were published “On the domestic trade”. Notably, that business representatives unanimously requested the head of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine to prevent the adoption of this bill.

Aleksandr Baldinûk, President of the Ukrkondprom Association

The law itself has a very low quality of the legislative. In it five or six positions, aimed at monopolizing the market large retail chains, and everything else - referring to existing laws. they added, to create the illusion of a full-fledged project. But in general, the bill is written in the interests of large retail chains.

In our industry through retail is implemented around 25-30% products. Now commodity producer has to pay for access to the network of each brand, each unit of product range about 100 000 hryvnia. This is called the "entrance fee". Then he has to agree a price, at which it sells its products, but, so as not to infringe upon the interests of the retailer. Some of our products have a surcharge up to 70%. Wherein 55-60% distributed for the benefit of the network and 10-15% - in favor of producer. Then you have to pay bonuses for online marketing services, that de facto no offers. Already snared, you pay for shelf. But this does not guarantee, that your product will be on this shelf. A month later, it can be removed and offer to pay you again.

I do not want to call it a monopoly collusion. Let us say otherwise: retail chains are holders of deficient services in the market. The draft law "On the domestic trade" does not solve this issue.

Yuri Lvov, director of the market "Troeshina"

In Kiev, more 100 markets, which employ tens of thousands of people. Given the speed of passage of the document, there is a risk, that most of them know its norms post factum, after the adoption of.

Position and the idea of ​​a document I can be described in one word - it is genocide. The law will prevent small businesses from continuing to operate in trade. I'm sure, that a discussion of the law is not over. We have to raise people.

Igor Balenko, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of PJSC "Furshet"

Subject of the law "On the domestic trade" arose repeatedly. it contributed, withdrew, Now it is discussed again. This law makes it impossible to create a civilized market.

Oleg Tsarev's bill to move supermarkets out of settlements is just a red herring to, to conduct other laws. on internal trade law will apply only to the civilized part of the retail, i.e, basically, on shopping online. And it's not over 20% market. The operation of this part of the market is blocked by government interference and artificial restrictions.

Galina Korenkova, General Director of the branch company "Ukrpivo"

From the first version of "On the domestic trade" bill turned, that beer can not be sold and do exist. Such restrictions have been issued there. The current version of our category also found, how to "bite".

Take requirements MAFam, through which sold a significant amount of beer. Everything, what needs to be done is to civilize their working conditions. We do not stand up for "gendelics", that exist in violation of all norms. We're talking about a civilized trade. If you look at the trade statistics, then after the network is implemented to 30% the total number of products, which is in Ukraine. The document should be considered opportunities for the development and alternative retail formats. In Europe, retail space is 700 meters per 1000 person, in the US the figure - more 1000. In Ukraine - 196. The bill does not correct this situation, and does not try to fix it.

I know from my own experience, the consequences of the monopolization of the major networks. I live on the corner of Gogol and Artem - is downtown. So - try to walk into our street, eg, from Maidan Nezalezhnosti. On the way, you will not find any bread store, a single vegetable. There was a grocery store, but before the new year and it closed.

Oleksandr Savchenko, Vice President of AVEC Holding

Wide customer our company is known as the shopping center "Barabashovo". We are a commercial organization, Our goal - to earn money through the delivery of retail space for rent, and indirectly - support for entrepreneurs.

Based on this, in the law, we see strange things openly. Take, for example, point about, that the amount of rent for retail space in the market and its services is set by the local authorities. again, we are a commercial entity. we hold 75 hectares in Kharkov. "Barabashovo" - a flight of subway. It is almost part of the city! We were visited by more than 200 000 people per day. Who we will set the amount of rent? On what basis?

Another nuance - in our commercial documents not mentioned the word "shop". We are using the term Pavilion. But why the law is not taken into account?

or such: in the case of reconstruction of the market, we are obliged to provide the market places. This is from a volume? And if we decided to renovate the entire facility? What do they say these items?

We are not against the law as such. But we want, that it was clear and doskonalen.

Victor Chmielewski, President of the Union of Tenants and Entrepreneurs of Ukraine

Accessing Nicholas Azarov maximum specific: stop any action on the passage of the law and strongly support the project, which comes on the coordination. This document - just a bunch of useless regulations, which are the essence of corruption.

Vladimir Levin, Co-Chairman of the Coordination Council for Small and Medium-Sized Businesses

Trafficking involves the coexistence of different retail formats. Let's adjust the percentage of those formats. In Russia, the law enshrined, that one network can not have more than 20% in one region. In the US networks are prohibited from trading in the villages and towns, therefore malls rendered beyond them. For the entrepreneur it is necessary to create an environment.

Kiev necessary 6000 MAFov, and upon their 15 000 or even more. Trade Administration can not reduce them, and optimally place the remaining. Markets is also needed in the best case half, but everything depends on the question: who removed? Trade Administration should clearly organize the work of the industry and identify, eg, 25% trade - markets, 5% - MAFı, and the rest - supermarkets. However, while it turns out, that there are only supermarkets.Yes, Government may make a strategic decision: reserve on the network market and abolished in this area small businesses. Even so. But then provide jobs for those 90 000 entrepreneurs, which in the territory of Kiev are traded on markets or MAFah.

And leaving the market at the mercy of the networks, you need to consider one more thing - the presence of competitors on the market hold a network from higher prices. Disappear competition - that will stop the rise in prices? In Russia, after the adoption of the law on domestic trade prices in retail chains rose by a quarter. A particularly illustrative example of St. Petersburg. There are two markets remain, where her grandmother sold chickens. Remainder trade - is a network and convenience stores.

Oleg Tsilvik, Member of the Board of the Union of Consumers of Ukraine

We are not against this law, although I will admit, that from the point of view of an entrepreneur there are many ridiculous aspects.

But the current situation, too, can not go on. Ukraine has not legalized MAFy, many of them do not have the cash management equipment. By law, Only fiscal receipt allows the consumer to protect their rights. And today this possibility it is often no. In this case, the corruption component of the work of such enterprises is very high, and these costs are passed on to the consumer. So is not it better to translate these relations into legal plane - it will be beneficial to all parties. Shop is also high time to organize. For us to get a lot of people complaining, and it is most often, it is impossible to find even the Seller.

The business has a right, but they end up there, where begin the rights of consumers. let's, We define the border and seek compromise.

Oksana Prodan, MP from the UDAR party

Document developers create conditions for, to small businesses in the area of ​​trade was not. On the abolition of the category of traders sent to several limitations. First of all, It prohibited to trade on a single tax shopping area more 200 quarter. city. Secondly, introduces a requirement to make a trade in goods, for which age restrictions apply when selling, to a separate department. Allocating a separate room for selling cigarettes in a small store is simply impossible.

Small architectural forms (concept) It may only be placed on leased land. And the right to lease shall be issued at auction, the order of which is not. So, in fact, the MAF cannot be leased.

To this must be added a number of new types of business reporting and new powers for officials. for example, local governments have the right to approve operation of commercial enterprise.

all the difficulties, incurred for business, this law, business to pass on to the end customer. And because every businessman - also the consumer, will suffer all.

A source: Forbes Ukraine

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