from 01 January 2018 The order came into force, the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine number 705 from 28.12.2017 ., which establishes the possibility for 01 July 2019 year grant to produce and market products with cocoa and chocolate, which do not meet all or some provisions of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine number 157 from 13.04.2016 y. “On approval of requirements for products with cocoa and chocolate”. continue Reading »
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The transition period for products with cocoa and chocolate
Order of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine number 157 from 13.04.2016 y. “On approval of requirements for products with cocoa and chocolate”
01 January 2018 The order came into force, the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine number 157 from 13.04.2016 y. “On approval of requirements for products with cocoa and chocolate”. This Order establishes mandatory requirements, to be followed by all manufacturers of these confections.
The text of the Order can be found here –
ASSOCIATION "UKRKONDPROM" Economic Development supports the efforts aimed at promoting UKRAINIAN EXPORT
This statement was made president of the Association "Ukrkondprom" Alexander Baldynyuk.
He stressed, that 2017 year by the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade took a number of important steps, aimed at supporting the export potential of Ukrainian manufacturers, and approval of the Government of Ukraine export strategy is to accelerate the implementation of initiatives launched. Besides, and the food-processing industry of promising sectors and in high demand on world markets. Given the dynamics and structure of the global economy, is important to support those sectors, currently developing around the world and can be a driving force for growth in the coming years.
According to Alexander Baldynyuka, Minister of already implemented measures, provided this document. In particular, began the process of establishing export credit agencies, and the Office of Export Promotion help Ukrainian companies to enter new markets.
In addition, An important achievement this year was the accession of Ukraine to the Regional Convention on pan-Euro-Mediterranean preferential rules of origin, allowing our producers to export goods on terms preferential origin in third countries, which are parties to the convention. Thus Ukrainian goods to open access to markets 42 countries and territories.
Also Ukraine was included into the international trading initiative "One times – one way ".
Alexander hopes Baldynyuk, що передбачені Експортною стратегією заходи будуть успішно реалізовані та стануть відчутним поштовхом до розвитку експортного потенціалу України. Адже українські виробники мають всі шанси завойовувати нові ринки, in case of implementing an effective system of state support for exporters and effective steps to promote exports in foreign markets.
Draft Law on Consumer Information on Food
Dear colleagues!
The official portal of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Draft Law of Ukraine on information to consumers about food.
The draft law sets: general provisions for labeling food products, the effect of which can be extended to all foods or certain categories of; specific rules on the labeling of certain food products; category of mandatory information on food products and general information requirements on food.
Main arguments, underlying the establishment of mandatory requirements to provide information on food, is, to enable consumers to identify and properly use food, and make choices, that would meet their individual nutritional needs.
The draft law clearly regulates the responsibilities of food business operators, responsible for providing information on food.
The text of the draft law can be found here –