THE RIGHTS of the Association Members:
- to participate in the management of the Association through participation in the governing bodies of the Association;
- to voluntarily withdraw from the Association on conditions and in the manner prescribed, by the Association Charter;
- to be a member (member) of other business associations;
- to receive information from the Association in a summarized form not earlier than a month after its collection about production and production capacity; problems, that arise from the Participants in the course of their activities, in order to find the best ways to resolve them; information, that can contribute to the establishment and development of cooperation relations with authorities and other organizations; information on the achievements of science, technical knowledge, best practices on effective technology, implementing measures to reduce costs, environmentally sound technologies; data on the system of professional training of its Participants, on branch problems, foreign experience;
- to use the methodological developments and material and technical means of the Association, as well as services, consultations and recommendations, provided by the Association or its bodies solely within the , scope and purpose of the Association as defined in clauses 3.1, 3.2 of the Statute ;
- to receive from the Association any information about the activities of the Association;
- to get acquainted with documents related to the issues , included in, the agenda of the General Meeting of the Association's Members;
- to get acquainted with annual balances, reports of the Association, minutes of the General Meeting of the Association's members, decisions of other governing bodies;
- to submit its proposals to the agenda of the General Meeting of the Participants;
- to make suggestions on the activities and development programs of the Association;
- initiation of the decision of issues, related to the purpose and subject of the Association activity.
THR LIABILITIES of the Association Members :
- to comply with the Association's Articles of Association and to comply with the decisions of the General Meeting of Participants and other governing bodies of the Association;
- take an active part in the management of the Association and contribute to the achievement of the goals and objectives, of the Association;
- to provide the Association with information about its activities, solely within, the limits defined by the Association's purpose and tasks, and to notify circumstances that prevent or prevent the achievement by the Association of the tasks and objectives of the Association;
- to fulfill obligations to the Association, stipulated by this Statute and the current legislation of Ukraine;
- not to disclose commercial secrets and confidential information about the activities of the Association;
- in accordance, with the procedure established by the Articles of Association of the Association or by the decision of the General Meeting of Participants, to pay entrance and membership fees in a timely manner;
- not to violate the rules of fair competition;
- carry other duties, if this is provided by the legislation and the Association's Articles of Association.
The exclusion and withdrawal of the Participant shall be made by the General Meeting of the Participants and shall be made by the decision of the General Meeting of the Participants in the form of a protocol.