Transcript of session of parliament 07.02.2012 concerning consideration of the Draft Law of Ukraine "On Amendments to Article 38 Law of Ukraine "On the safety and quality of food" (to inform the public about the absence of gluten in foods)»


I propose to consider the draft law on amendments to Article 38 Law of Ukraine “On the safety and quality of food” (to inform the public about the absence of gluten in foods) (8493 registration number of the bill).

The Committee proposes to examine the simplified procedure. Put to the vote the proposal.



The decision was made.

Reports MP of Ukraine Vyacheslav Perederiy. Spivdopovidaty is chairman of the Committee on Health Tatiana D. Bakhteeva. Please.


VH Perederiy.

dear Colleagues, first of all I would like to say a few words about the essence of the law. And the essence of the law is, what 1 the percentage of inhabitants of the land, including citizens of Ukraine, suffering from such a disease, which many of you do not hear anything, and it is called celiac disease. In the broadest sense of the word - a food intolerance. Food intolerance in the case of which? wheat, rye, barley, oats and their products. And we are the only country in Europe with you, which does not mark products, and if marks, we have skilled craftsmen, eg, bread-fellows, who write: “Bread gluten-free”, but in fact there is a gluten-free. And for these patients to have gluten - is poison. И эти люди умирают и страдают, at a young age, they die, usually 20 before 50 years old, two reasons: intestinal bleeding and lymphoma. And the treatment of these patients leaving a lot of money. And all the treatment is, to properly diagnose and prescribe the right diet. And for this it is necessary to label products, as it is done all over the world, the inscription “It does not contain gluten”. That's all, the essence of the law. If you have questions, I'm happy to answer. Because of 2 minutes to talk about the nature of the disease and its manifestations ... It's sufferers, is sick, who suffer for years, before you get into good hands.

PRESIDING. thanks, Vyacheslav. take a seat, please. On the decision of the Committee Deputy Chairman will report Korzh. Yes, please.



Dear Vladimir Mikhailovich, Dear colleagues, Committee on Health reviewed the draft law on amendments to Article 38 Law of Ukraine “On the safety and quality of food” (to inform the public about the absence of gluten in foods) (registration number 8493).

The main purpose of the bill is to prevent exacerbations and life-threatening complications in patients with celiac disease - one of the most common genetic diseases, caused by gluten intolerance by providing information to consumers about his lack of the food. Gluten - a vegetable protein, included in class products from wheat, barley, rice and oats.

The authors of the bill proposes to establish additional requirements for the labeling of food, namely to reflect the absence of gluten in foods inscriptions “gluten-free”, if its content in foods does not exceed 200 milligrams per 100 g. This is generally consistent with international standards. So, Commission Regulation on the European Union 2009 on the composition and labeling of food for food labeling, designed for humans, who can not tolerate gluten, застосовуються два види надписів: “low-gluten” and “gluten-free”. Однак, according to the rules, established by this Regulation, the presence of such labels are required only on specially processed food, group which defined the term food for people, who can not tolerate gluten.

Considering that, that the Law Ukraine “On the safety and quality of food” No such term, proposed by the authors of the bill form providing information to the public will lead to the need for labeling the words “gluten-free” all without exception Food. At the time he, as gluten is found only in certain types of.

Supporting this overall legislative initiative, Committee considers it appropriate to reflect on the food label information, not the absence of gluten, but its presence.

Said ...

PRESIDING. Please, end the.

VP KORZH. This proposal supports the main scientific and expert management of the Verkhovna Rada. It should also slightly delay the effective date of the law if adopted, given the requirements of the World Trade Organization.

Given the above, Committee recommends that Parliament adopt the bill as a basis. Please support. Thank you for attention.

PRESIDING. thanks. Dear colleagues! So, can, vote for appropriate action? No reservations? The problem is serious, Yes? Well, there is a need to speak out? Please Subscribe. The names of MPs. Vladimir Yavorivsky, faction “BYT – “Home”. Ivan Kirilenko will act. Потім – Володимир Карпук.


Yavorivskyi VO.

Dear Chairman, Dear colleagues! Not so easy to go from this high rostrum parliamentary opposition bills. So I came to this rostrum, no exaggeration to support his colleague, scientist of world renown Pyeryedyeriya Vyacheslav. pay attention, comments Scientific Expert Department, it is written there: “Doubt is the fact, suffering in Ukraine about 500 thousand”.

Now let's see the following figures, he brings in his justification. The European Union is diagnosed least 1 percentage of patients with this dangerous disease. We, where in the menu structure, the structure of Ukrainian diet of bread and cereals several times occupy a large proportion than in Europe, Ukrainian ecology does not cause comments, immunity in regard, especially the younger generation, is not comments, so the problem, проблема з великої букви. When this remarkable man came to this rostrum to protect these people, friends, be supported.

Simply put bread, cereals - is primarily, all know hlibopeky, is primarily proteins, gluten. This baking quality bread and bakery products. Unfortunately, This defective protein, which causes including the problems, for which my distinguished colleague said. Dear friends, Is the problem in Ukraine. These people must be protected, even this method, which he said today in his law. Let's support the, though, that the proposal by opposition MPs, but it is extremely urgent and important. thanks.

PRESIDING. Vladimir Karpuk, faction “Our Ukraine - People's Self-Defense”.


Karpuk VH.

Vladimir Karpuk. The legislative initiative of Professor Vyacheslav Pyeryedyeriya, despite, seemingly, external simplicity, extremely important. It is through legislation, this way you can achieve prevention and treatment is largely an existing celiac disease. Vyacheslav, as Ivan Kyrylenko told, is really a scholar of world-renowned gastroenterologist, it has long been studying the problem and knows best. Official statistics is far from reality. Both figures, called, reports presented, they are far from the real numbers, which results in its memorandum Vyacheslav. Адже навіть з офіційної статистики майже 50 відсотків – це є хворі до 18 years, which formed the Future, які з молодих років вже страждають від цього захворювання. And simple method, only indication or so, чи як запропоновано комітетом, вже дає змогу зреалізувати шляхи профілактики і лікування даного захворювання.

Тому ми будемо голосувати за цей законопроект. I think, що він буде доопрацьований на комітеті, і це те, що дасть змогу реально впливати на захворюваність по даній патології. thanks.

PRESIDING. Gregory Smityuh, Party of Regions.


Smityuh H.YE.

Dear Vladimir Mikhailovich, Dear MPs, sure, що якщо ми слухаємо людину, which has very great authority, має певні фахові і практичні свої знання, which can not podverhatysya, If this person is not peresikalasya, і ті дані, stated in the explanatory memorandum, near 500 thousands of people in Ukraine, які можуть або хворіють при споживанні тих чи інших продуктів, які впливають на їх здоров’я, the, sure, that this bill purports, goiter improve the health of our population, і цей законопроект потрібно підтримувати, на мою точку зору.

And anyway, If you look dynamics, тенденцію в нашому суспільстві, як за останні роки, десятиліття населення наше все більше і більше хворіє, все більше і більше нових появляється захворювань, the, sure, що одна із профілактичних мір, in my opinion, – це продукти харчування. І у нашій державі є всі можливості для того, щоб наші продукти харчування були саме високої якості, which would have a positive impact on public health.

І нам як законодавчому органу потрібно все робити і підтримати любі ініціативи, які направлені саме унеможливлювати питання щодо розповсюдження або виготовлення тих чи інших продуктів, які можуть мати негативні якісь елементи або непридатні для вживання, або загрожувати здоров’ю нашого населення.

Think only one digit. По даним Міністерства економіки за минулий рік провели біля 3 тисяч підприємств, які виробляють харчові продукти, monitoring, Міністерство економіки України. І в результаті моніторингу виявлено, what 84 interest of producers, food, they made, do not meet quality metrics, or have some certain problems, do not allow them to use these products or distribute for public consumption. And more and more of this issue is on our agenda. If you look some channels, distributing this information, then we have the following products, as dairy products ...

PRESIDING. Please, end the.

Smityuh H.YE. Product ..., bakery products, meat products, Too often it does not meet the quality, you can not eat, it affects the health of the population. So I suggest the bill, as part of, support. Thank you for attention.

PRESIDING. Dear MPs, complete discussion. Please, Valery damask, 1 minute.


damask VH.

thanks, Vladimir Mikhailovich. On behalf of the group “Reforms for the Future” We also submit proposals to support the bill, the relevance of which is extremely high. Really, a figure today, about half a million people affected by one of the most common genetic disease - celiac disease. But, fairness, I want to say with all due respect to Professor Pyeryedyeriya, which we respect, that this bill is not made opposition, and he brought a group of MPs, except opposition, authors of the bill are also Bakhteeva, and Gorin. And if we were invited, our group, be co-authors of the bill, We also have great pleasure did, For this problem the opposition, not most, and this humanitarian problem, universal one problem.

And following. We support the committee as to, that we should not label the presence, and the lack of, otherwise we get to the point of absurdity, when a bottle of mineral water, as is written: “GMO”, will be written: “gluten-free”. thanks.

PRESIDING. Dear MPs, discussion completed. I remind the committee concluded: accept the bill as a basis. The main scientific and expert management: “The bill can be taken as a basis”.

Put to the vote the proposal of adopting a draft law on amendments to Article 38 Law of Ukraine “On the safety and quality of food” (to inform the public about the absence of gluten in foods) (registration number 8493). Please vote.