Palm oil: “Feigned horror and real benefits”

Jun 15 2018 published c Uncategorized, earnings


13 June

In social networks has recently become fashionable, when discussing controversial issues, to put it bluntly: "This is treason or victory?"Similarly, it is appropriate to ask this question and on the possible ban in Ukraine palm oil (corresponding bill has already passed the first reading). And clearly answer "victory" does not work - too many nuances do not include or unknowingly, or deliberately.

№3871 bill "On amendments to some laws of Ukraine to prohibit the use of palm oil in food products" amending the Law of Ukraine "On milk and milk products". Victory? So what, This law still allowed to adulterate milk products? Oh no, ... and not let it hurt someone falsify?

The question is clearly rhetorical. It's like, to ban cars because, Some drivers violate traffic rules and cause accidents. It is obvious, that should not penalize cars, and unscrupulous drivers. Why is this same logic does not work?

It appears only one argument: against a background of constant growth of public criticism of the quality of food and inactivity structures, with its control, eager to somehow demonstrate that the struggle for quality. That show, For the true fight against such methods can we talk. However, This is not the only reason.

The choice must be conscious. Photo from Bum

Damage imaginary and real

Next question: so what, except palm oil, more dairy products have nothing to falsify? Oh no, is. And herein lies the main danger.

None of the manufacturers, producing fake, does not work on pure palm oil, and use a mixture of palm and coconut oil and margarine and cooking fats. And one more: not all, who use palm oil, - forgers. The Law of Ukraine "On the safety and quality of food" allowed to use palm oil in some products, as producers clearly stated in part. And the same bill №3871 provides a complete prohibition of the use of palm oil in all food.

the, can, Palm oil is now the most dangerous, and other impurities are less harmful to humans? Also no! Confectionery products using palm oil or margarine (These two categories of fat - direct competitors). Here the advantage is undoubtedly on the side of palm oil.

We hear too much criticism regarding her, but for some reason in the world it is not prohibited, its damage is not proven, even the World Health Organization urges world not immediately abandon palm oil. baize, though it contains cholesterol, has nothing to do with reality: cholesterol in vegetable oils can not be, For purely a product of animal origin.

This oil, Unlike margarine, rich in vitamins A and E, which have antioxidant properties, prevent aging and useful for vision. True, WHO calls actually reduce fat intake, but its recommendations palm oil gets into one group with products, like butter and cream, meat, eggs, chocolate and bacon. Consumption of these products which you limit, dear? Main - products of palm oil should necessarily contain warnings for consumers on the labeling.

It is important to note, Technologists believe that the use of high quality palm oil safer, than the use of confectionery fats and margarine, which contain high levels of trans fats (artificially synthesized), says editor in chief of "consumer confidence" Elena Kulikova. At the head of stresses and testing Center of Expertise "Test" Nina Kilda. High palm oil is much closer to natural products, than margarine. However, it is somewhat sharp criticism and discussion among public resonance does not cause. A vain.


Photo from

Who benefits?

The adoption of the bill in full prohibition of the use of palm oil could lead to a complete reorientation of confectionery producers in margarine, in accordance, further increasing the amount of trans fats in sweets.

That will be the dangerous products. From trans fats primarily affects the cardiovascular system and liver. The major consumers of sweets - children.

By the way, no one had to visit the oil-fat factory and watch the process of making margarine? Recall, it is produced by conventional oil thickening. Until the last stage of production is dirty-green mass, and disgusting in appearance, and taste, Only then using special additives give it a decent look and oily taste. And this piece we want to replace palm oil, which is entirely natural?

Finish worth asking lawyers classic ancient Rome: "Who benefits?" So, whom? milk producers? And there is much milk in Ukraine, to replace palm fat dairy products in all, where it is used. And the population will not have enough money to buy products at the following recipe.

And who prevents palm oil? Oil and domestic concerns, someone else! They have enough production capacity and, to overwhelm the whole of Ukraine is not too popular today margarine, and enough political influence, to enforce them advantageous bill. In this we can see. mention: notorious "oil" amendment was adopted by the Verkhovna Rada with amazing speed and ease, and terminated their long, Bored with doubtful results. Now, like, have a second series of the same saga.

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