Chocolate “treason”: Truth and myths about regulation as Ukrainian kondyterky

Feb 15 2018 published c Uncategorized, earnings

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Chocolate “treason”: Truth and myths about regulation as Ukrainian kondyterky.

a3acdd6-shokolad-betrayal-6251 Jan. Agriculture Ministry launched a decree on product requirements in cocoa and chocolate. This order extended transition effect to regulate these products. This solution is often interpreted as reluctance Ukrainian confectioners move to European standards.

“European truth” proposed to explain the logic of this order “Ukrkondpromu” - Association, which also initiated the extension of the transitional period. At the same time we are open to alternative illumination position on this issue.

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The theme continued transition to regulate products are cocoa and chocolate gained media coverage and has managed to grow as “victories”, and “Radamel”.

But some of them are actually myths. In particular, myth is a statement about changes in the quality of domestic chocolate and features of the new regulation.

And therefore, should consider and refute the basic myths.

The main myth - Ukraine “on the quiet”, nepublіchno, postponed 1,5 entry into European regulations on chocolate,

for “it lobbied for domestic manufacturers”.

The creators of this myth is simply not read the text of the order. In fact, the requirements for chocolate products, which establishes the order Minahro, take effect from 1 January 2018 year. New regulations already in force.

At which period 1,5 was stated in the document? Order introduces not delay the entry into force requirements, and the introduction of transition, ie the period, during which both are two regulation - old and new.

Such a transition period expected to Ukrainian legislation. And not a Ukrainian invention. This is - common practice EU.

During the transitional period the manufacturer can implement lossless products, produced by the previous regulation, and simultaneously begin to enter the market products under the new regulation.

But why such a big transition period - until eighteen months? Would give a month or two…

The full version of the article can be found here –

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