The International Coordinating Group on donor food safety expressed its support for the reform of the State Veterinary and Phytosanitary Service of Ukraine.
So, in an official letter, that management and members of the Coordination Group sent to the Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine Mykola Prysyazhnyuk, Prime Minister of Ukraine Mykola Azarov, Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Tigipko and first Deputy Head of Presidential Administration Iryna Akimova, states, the creation of a single competent authority responsible forefront of European and world practice.
To the coordination group included such authoritative organizations, as the International Finance Corporation of the project "Food Safety in Ukraine" and "Investment climate in Ukraine", "Implementation of Ukraine's commitments under WTO and ENP Frameworks in the Rural Sector" and the US Agency for International Development "Local Investment and Competitiveness".
The Coordination Group was directly involved in developing the draft law "On amendments to some legislative acts of Ukraine regarding food safety" and repeatedly informed the government that, the creation of a single competent authority to control food safety meets the best European and international practice.
The results of a joint study of the Food and Agriculture Organization and the World Health, control system is, based on a single competent authority, provides the highest level of consumer protection and has significant advantages over system, comprising two or more control bodies.
"Monitoring System, based on the same body, is the highest level of integration and coordination of state authorities on food safety. However, this does not mean, that for a wide range of issues of food safety experts meet only narrow profile, for example, veterinarians ", – stated in an official letter.
The members of the working group note, that "the work of a single competent authority involved specialists of different directions all food chain" from field – to the table", such as veterinarians, doctors, hygienists, epidemiologists, immunologists, virologists, toxicology, food technologists and others. This allows you to get a full picture of the state of food safety system in the country, see its flaws and take timely action, necessary for its effective functioning ".
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