India once again recognized as a potentially lucrative market for confectionery

Dec 19 2012 published c news

Indian confectionery market is waiting for "bright future", analysts believe the world. The market potential will grow further, with the development of a "culture of giving", and sweets consumption growth in some regions of the country.

Sector chocolate products, sugar confectionery and chewing gum face a steady rise in demand and sales, even though the commitment to Indian consumers strictly defined confectionery brands, It said in a research report of the company Netscribes.

Experts believe Netscribes, that every year the industrial confectionery will increasingly displace traditional sweets from the Indian market.

"The development and growth of the market will be further stimulated by the increasing availability of confectionery, presented in different price categories, – analysts say, – as well as the increase in the average income per capita ".

"All these factors predict a very optimistic future for the Indian confectionery market", – summarize researchers.

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