Rules of professional ethics in the relationship between retail chains, that operate in the retail trade in non-specialized stores foodstuffs, and suppliers

Sea 23 2015 published c earnings

ATTENTION manufacturers and suppliers FOOD

Please be advised Rules of professional ethics in the relationship between retail chains, that operate in the retail trade in non-specialized stores foodstuffs, and suppliers.

These Rules are based on the legislation of EU countries, defining such practices, in particular Directive 2011/7 / EC of the European Parliament and of the Council "On Combating delays payments in commercial transactions", Resolution of the European Parliament 11 December 2013 y. "Action Plan in the retail trade in Europe", Communication from the Commission on 13 January 2013 y. "Action Plan in the retail trade in Europe", «Green Paper» European Commission on unfair trade practices between suppliers and retail chains 2013 y. and other EU legislation and WTO in the relationship between suppliers and retailers in the food market.

The purpose of the development and adoption of these rules is to increase competition, promoting investment and innovation, in particular by preventing the practice of shifting costs and risks incurred on the weaker side, excessive pressure on these parties in the relationship between suppliers and retail chains, that operate in retail trade mainly in food products.

The rules are also published on the website of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Ukraine for public discussion and the provision of proposals directly to manufacturers and suppliers of food products.

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