Address of the President of Manufacturers Parliament on the bill “Restrictions on production and use in Ukraine plastic bags and packaging”

Sea 14 2013 published c earnings

Dear Vladimir V.!

On behalf of responsible taxpayers with domestic and foreign capital, working in Ukraine, express respect and ask for help in deciding, which caused our serious concern.

The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine registered the bill "On Restriction production, use import and distribution in Ukraine plastic bags and packages extended splitting »№ 2353 from 20.02.2013 y.

The said bill provides "ban on 1 July 2013 the production, using, import and distribution paid or free in its territory (except transit) plastic bags and long splitting packages, manufactured using paper, stuck to the bottom of recycled cardboard by extrusion of film or paraffin ".

Considering, Bill undefined concept - "Durable packaging splitting", but the term is defined «durable polymer package splitting – package, made wholly or partly of a particular polymer or polymer composites ", there uncertainty as to exactly what types of packaging introduced ban. Also unclear is the issue of establishing the duration of splitting packages and packages, in Ukraine because current regulations do not set appropriate requirements.

Article 1 Draft Law defines Packing bags (package) as a kind of soft consumer packaging, designed for filling products, and for their transportation, storage and marketing.

That, fall under the ban not only single packages - bags, used in trade networks, but consumer packaging and flexible polymeric composite materials, manufactured in the factory in which manufacturers pack the following products:

– milk and milk products;

– Juice products;

– confectionery;

– other foods;

– medicine, pharmacopoeia, Medical instruments and supplies sterilized (catheters, disposable syringes, systems for intravenous administration and others.);

– laundry detergents and other household chemical goods, household goods and goods for construction;

– tobacco products;

– Various Home Appliances, electronics, instruments, instrument, toys, etc.;

– products of light industry (clothing, footwear etc.);

– Production of military-industrial complex, engineering, instrument, electrical and other industries, spare parts and accessories;

– garbage and hazardous waste biological materials and the like.

Failure to use plastic bags and other packaging, referred to in the bill number 2353 from 20.02.2013 ., most stop production of Ukrainian goods and industrial products, freeze trade operations, and not allow you to import and export goods and packaged products. The consequences would be unpredictable.

The practice of developed countries shows, that the problem of disposal of used packaging must be addressed comprehensively, creating a system of organizing the collection and recycling of packaging waste as secondary raw materials. This way of improving the environment and reducing pressure on the environment Ukraine will save considerable material and energy resources and funds, create new jobs and bring the budget additional charges.

Recognizing the need to improve the ecological situation in Ukraine Responsible Business representatives have repeatedly lodged in powerful institutions

suggestions for creating an effective system of waste packaging, developed in accordance with European experience in the operation of the system.

We also appealed to the President of Ukraine on this issue, who drew attention to our request and issued order number 1-1/1522 from 25.07.2011r. on the need for amending the regulations, regulating relations in this area, to create conditions for fair competition between undertakings, prevent monopolization of the market for the organization of the collection and recycling of packaging waste.

In the event ends approval in the ministries and departments of the draft Law "On Packaging and Packaging Waste", developed by the Working Group, MEP established by order №307 from 30.08.2011r. on the implementation of the instructions of President of Ukraine.

As he gf hour, the initiative of various stakeholders made questionable proposals for restrictions and prohibitions polymeric and composite materials for packing, which may adversely affect the business development, investment climate in Ukraine, providing consumers with products in convenient packaging.

Given the situation, prevailing, and given that, that adoption of the proposed draft law number 2353 from 20.02.2013r. restrictions and prohibitions on production in Ukraine plastic bags and packages extended splitting a serious threat to the national economy as a whole, will cause unpredictable consequences for the real economy, significant damage to the state by reducing budget revenues Ukraine, the international image of Ukraine, declaring itself as a state with a market economy, we ask you, dear Vladimir V., to convey our concerns to MPs and provide appropriate instructions regarding consideration of the bill in the appropriate committee Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine with representatives of the real economy with the aim of preventing the introduction of prohibitions and restrictions of production and use of plastic bags and packaging of flexible composite materials.


About Baldinûk. In. President of the Association "Ukrkondprom"
VM Bykovets. In. President of the Ukrainian Association of Employers
Golubov AG. President of the Union of Chemists of Ukraine
Ivanov AI. Director General of the Association of home appliances and electronics
Izovit VA. Chairman of National Associations of Manufacturers Ukraine
Kapshuk SP. General Director of the Association "Ukroliyaprom"
Karpenko L. ABOUT. President of the Union of Dairy Enterprises of Ukraine
In Krivoshey. M. President of the Club packers Ukraine
Kuznetsov H.D. Director of the League of Food Producers
Mihaylechko S.M. Director of the Association growers and winemakers of Ukraine
In Weak. D. Chairman of the Ukrainian Packaging & Ecological Coalition
Khomenko VO. General Director of the Association "Ukrtyutyun"
shards ST. President of the association "Union of Juice Producers of Ukraine"

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