Archive for 'earnings'

Ukraine goes to a low content of trans fat - the inevitable prospect, and we support it – Association “Ukrkondprom”

Dec 11 2018 published under Uncategorized, earnings, news



The export orientation of Ukrainian oilseed and confectionary industries contribute to their gradual adaptation to the modern international quality standards. In this interview, we raised the issue of regulation of content in the production of fatty acid isomers, Ili transjirov. Their presence in food is allowed, but in large quantities they have been recognized as harmful to health, Therefore, in some countries, their content is strictly regulated. Spetszhiry and margarine products for the confectionery industry and related industries, such as filling fats, glaze, test, cocoa butter substitutes, and so on., produced in Ukraine, consumed, and exported. Their assessments about the prospects for the industry's development shared chapter Association "Ukrkondprom" Alexander Baldynyuk

Alexander, now in many countries, importing confectionery products from Ukraine, introduced by regulation, which is intended to limit the content in food of trans fatty acids (CBR). What is the situation with this issue in Ukraine?

– Of course, and in Ukraine, such a regulation is already being considered, and we expect, that it will be implemented in the future. Naturally, We need a certain transitional period in order, the producers were able to make the necessary re, form the raw material market, which would meet the requirements of the content of TFAs. These changes should take place within the confectioners' cooperation on the one hand, who are consumers of fat, and oil and fat industry - other. For each type of product characteristics agreed, that must be met to use fats. In this way, there is a need for the, that each confectionery company held talks with Wen (manufacturers of fats. – ca.. row. ), to jointly develop and produce certain kinds of fats, which then can be used in their recipes.

Full text of the interview can be found at the link –

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Raising tariffs for cars Ukrzaliznytsia almost 500% Last year - it's hard knockdown FOR UKRAINIAN EXPORTERS

Oct 25 2018 published under Uncategorized, Activity, earnings

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Inadequate and unpredictable pricing policy UZ – a heavy knockdown for Ukrainian exporters of food products, – commented President of the Association "Ukrkondprom" Alexander Baldynyuk message about the next increase in tariffs for using their own cars carrier.

said O.Baldynyuk, which will take place in November, the third increase in a year, As a result the cost of using the indoor and refrigerator car, that used to export food products, to grow by 50,4% – before 1228,8 USD per night. Thus, In the past 9 month price increase of almost 6 times – from 213,6 UAH. before 1228,8 UAH.

According to the head "Ukrkondpromu", in terms of transit of war with Russia a sharp increase in tariffs will have a shock effect on the Ukrainian confectionery exports to Central Asia, which is a traditional market for Ukrainian food products. For transit through Russian ban has led to a significant rise in the cost of logistics in the region and, Consequently, drop in exports of confectionery products to the target audience to 43%. continue Reading »

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"Online Exhibition of Food Industry 2018" – innovative tool for market expansion and increase sales

Image results for & quot; online Food Industry Exhibition 2018"

todayAND! 10-11 October 2018 year on a portal «ExpoUniverse» ( be held "Online Exhibition of Food Industry 2018". It first online exhibition, where producers meet food and drinks, equipment and packaging, as well as suppliers of raw materials and ingredients, retailers, importers and distributors. Participants will have the unique opportunity to communicate with representatives of companies, who make key decisions.

The exhibition will be attended Company of Ukraine, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Belarus, Moldova, Armenia, Kazakhstan and other countries. continue Reading »

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Ultrasound improves the Private freight rates: Why should it worry Ukrainians

Aug 21 2018 published under Uncategorized, earnings

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The Association “Ukrkondprom” reported, that due to changes in the procedure for determining the cost of using their own cars the cost of US use the indoor and refrigerator cars, which are required for the export of confectionery, immediately increased three times - with 213,6 USD to 684 UAH per day. After raising to 28 July rates rose further 19,5% – before 817,2 UAH per day. In this way, totally agree 5 months of the year carload component of the cost of rail transportation has increased by almost four times, According to the Association.

industrialists complain, that their actions ultrasound knocks Ukrainian confectioners with the Central Asian markets, which account for a quarter (25%) total exports. In light of the, that Russia has blocked the transit of Ukrainian producers, state-owned companies such actions play into her hands, said the head of Asootsiatsii “Ukrkondprom” Alexander Baldınyuk: “Products have to pass through the Black Sea by ferry - the cost of delivery has increased in 2,5 fold. We are teetering on the verge of profitability in Central Asia. I spoke with representatives of the confectionery companies, they say, after the first price hike (railcar component) they took off from the export of several headings”.

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