Archive for 'earnings'

Palm oil ban will not stop counterfeiters

Jun 06 2018 published under Uncategorized, earnings

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AgroNews.among others. -24.05.2018

Prohibition Parliament palm oil will not prevent unscrupulous manufacturers continue to adulterate food. Because they use coconut oil instead of, or hydrogenated sunflower oil and rapeseed. This opinion was expressed by President of the Association "Ukrkondprom" Alexander Baldynyuk on his page in Facebook.

He said, that no country in the world there is no prohibition on the use in food of palm oil, more, EU countries consume more palm oil per capita, than in Ukraine. Also Baldinûk added, that the damage from consumer products, containing palm oil - a stereotype. In fact extremely harmful Trans fats - fats that, which transforms from liquid to solid during the hydrogenation. Then they add in cakes and pastries. According to the expert, producers will not be able to replace other oils palm oil, because none of the vegetable oil is produced in the world in number, necessary to replace palm oil. World production of vegetable oils is approximately 198 million tons per year. Of these, almost 70 million tons, or more 35% - this is palm oil. The same ratio - more than a third - consumption "palm" in the total consumption of vegetable fats in Ukraine. Expressed his opinion Baldinûk and for adding palm oil to butter and other dairy products. The expert stressed, which added vegetable fats in traditional dairy products forbidden today. The problem of "palm" in "molochtsi" – This problem of weak state control. In Ukraine created a powerful supervisory body - Derzhprodspozhyvsluzhba, who has the right not what penalties to impose, and even suspend the operation of these enterprises. In addition, AMC would closely examine the problem of counterfeit food products as a violation of the competitive environment, concluded the President of the Association "Ukrkondprom".

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Why the EU does not prohibit palm oil

May 23 2018 published under Uncategorized, earnings

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Dangerous only Ukrainian? Why the EU does not prohibit palm oil


Parliament adopted in first reading a bill banning the use of palm oil in food production. 233 MPs voted for the bill, and no MP voted against not. And despite the fact, the two committees of Parliament actually gave a negative opinion on the bill, as well as scientific and expert management of Parliament.

What is behind this decision? very similar, that the motives of the deputies were formed false stereotypes about “trees”, which generally, Unfortunately, shared by most Ukrainian. continue Reading »

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Chocolate “treason”: Truth and myths about regulation as Ukrainian kondyterky

Feb 15 2018 published under Uncategorized, earnings

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Chocolate “treason”: Truth and myths about regulation as Ukrainian kondyterky.

a3acdd6-shokolad-betrayal-6251 Jan. Agriculture Ministry launched a decree on product requirements in cocoa and chocolate. This order extended transition effect to regulate these products. This solution is often interpreted as reluctance Ukrainian confectioners move to European standards.

“European truth” proposed to explain the logic of this order “Ukrkondpromu” - Association, which also initiated the extension of the transitional period. At the same time we are open to alternative illumination position on this issue.

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The theme continued transition to regulate products are cocoa and chocolate gained media coverage and has managed to grow as “victories”, and “Radamel”.

But some of them are actually myths. In particular, myth is a statement about changes in the quality of domestic chocolate and features of the new regulation.

And therefore, should consider and refute the basic myths. continue Reading »

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The transition period for products with cocoa and chocolate

Jan 23 2018 published under Uncategorized, DOCUMENTS, earnings

razgruzochnyj-den-na-shokolade_3_1from 01 January 2018 The order came into force, the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine number 705 from 28.12.2017 ., which establishes the possibility for 01 July 2019 year grant to produce and market products with cocoa and chocolate, which do not meet all or some provisions of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine number 157 from 13.04.2016 y. “On approval of requirements for products with cocoa and chocolate”. continue Reading »

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