RBC Ukraine
Additional import fee: state regulation against the real economy
Association President “Ukrkondprom” Alexander told Baldynyuk, that restrictive government measures have led to the punch by products with advanced processing, mainly export-oriented, in particular, and the EU.
among the goods, covered by an import fee, there are raw materials and equipment, which are not produced and can not be produced in Ukraine, but used Ukrainian confectioners – cocoa beans, coconuts, almond, flavors, packaging machinery and spare parts.
Generally, 40-70% in the manufacture of confectionery products takes imported raw materials.
“Ukraine has complicated access to raw materials, and effort on our exports, which brings currency into the country, – Archive Baldınyuk. – This year we see a decline in exports to our traditional markets, accounting 20-50% exports. it Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Moldova. It is difficult to explain the war and relations with Russia. Russia does not prevent us to export to Moldova and Belarus”.
Baldynyuk forecasts, that the result of the collection can be a drop in production of almost 40 thousand. tons per year, or 2,7 bn, staff reduction to about 4,5 thousand. person (already 1,5 thousand. fired). And reduced payments to the budget.
“The government must understand, now collected 8 bn, not glean in longer term. If you kill the enterprise, with whom they will collect taxes. Never such a crisis in the industry was not, even in the dashing 90-ies”, – said businessman.
To collect the problem is added to the growth of production costs (flour group – by 80-90% c 2014-2015 years, chocolate saharystaya group – 110-120%), unrecovered VAT (debt to the industry on 1 April – more 200 million), exchange control.
Author Natalia Nepryakhin