Archive for 'earnings'

Ukrkondprom calls on the government to cancel the decision to use benchmarks in the design of the customs value of imported goods

Oct 01 2015 published under earnings

Ukraine_road_sign_3.40This statement was made O.Baldynyuk commenting CMU Resolution number 724 from 16.09.2015 y.

Relevant CMU, directly contrary to the Customs Code of Ukraine, only complicated and so negative situation with the problem of determining the customs value, he said Ukrkondpromu.

The vast majority of customs declarations, filed domestic confectionery companies during customs clearance, fell under risk criterion for the contract price due to the fact, the price of imported products below, than the average customs value of similar goods in the last six months. Despite the availability of direct agreements and contrary to Section 3 Customs Code of Ukraine, Customs authorities invited importers documents, confirming contract price of products. Importers must either provide the following documents, and it is unknown whether they satisfy the customs, or agree to adjust customs value toward its overestimation, explain in the Association.

Adjustment of the customs value toward overstatement is a chronic disease of national customs authorities, said O.Baldynyuk. He noted, that customs systematically overestimates the contract price of imported raw materials Ukrainian confectionery enterprises, and this leads to additional costs to pay import duty, VAT and duties. Despite the court decision on the illegality of such adjustments, return the already paid money to the state budget is a major complication. continue Reading »

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The challenges of covering the issues of security of ice cream

Sep 28 2015 published under earnings

12.09.2015 “world Products”

“Ice-cream and cold”, Heading: Ринок

Some television broadcasts about the safety of ice cream domestic production information is presented deliberately negative. Unsubstantiated and categorical conclusions undermines the credibility of final consumers to brands and causes economic and moral damage to the industry.

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Ukrkondprom urges the Government to take effective action in response to discrimination of Belarus

Sep 21 2015 published under earnings


Таким чином Асоціація «Укркондпром» відреагувала на Рішення Ради міністрів Республіки Білорусь запровадити дискримінаційну процедуру – обов’язкову санітарно-гігієнічну експертизу імпортної продукції.

Chapter "Ukrkondpromu" said O.Baldynyuk, that in connection with this decision, Ukrainian entry of goods into circulation on the market since Belarus 27 August 2015 y. severely limited.

said O.Baldynyuk, that his actions blatantly violates Belarus Free Trade Agreement of the CIS 2011 year.

Mandatory sanitary-hygienic examination in Belarus does not apply to products, originating in member countries of the Eurasian Economic Union, including Russia, and Belarusian goods production.

The Association noted, the Republic of Belarus annually resorted to various technologies blocking access of Ukrainian producers to its market, violating the international commitments of Belarus.

"Belorussia, exploiting the Ukrainian market MFN, which provided her Ukrainian side, and having a positive trade balance of Ukraine in the amount of nearly half a billion dollars, she resorted to illegal methods of administrative block access of Ukrainian goods to the Belarusian market ", said Baldynyuk.

Association "Ukrkondprom" Ukraine has filed a Statement of Economic Development to conduct an investigation to establish the discriminatory and hostile actions by Belarus respect to Ukrainian producers. According to preliminary calculations Association, losses of domestic confectionery industry from such measures are made about Belarus 40 million. UAH. and continues to grow.

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Open appeal of business associations on the need for immediate cancellation of the additional import duty

Jul 17 2015 published under earnings

25 leading business associations publicly appealed to President, Прем’єр-міністра та Голови Верховної Ради України із закликом термінової відміни додаткового імпортного збору. To appeal committee entrepreneurs joined the Chamber of Commerce Ukraine.

Action additional import duty to the end 2015 year would reduce real GDP in Ukraine 6%, and gross value added in the domestic sectors of the economy on average 18,5%. These results showed a simulation system Global Trade Analysis Project (GTAP), SRI carried State Informatization and Economic Modeling.

In addition, expected negative tax effect due to a shortfall in tax on domestic enterprises to the amount 36,3 billion. грн та збільшення внутрішніх цін на продукцію в середньому на 9,4%, а експортних цін на вітчизняну продукцію на 7,4%. GTAP modeling has confirmed the actual results of the industry, representing the signatories of the appeal.

Therefore, Ukrainian producers demanded to cancel the additional import fee in the amount of 10% for agri-food products and 5% on other products. The introduction of an additional import duty was not accompanied by thorough calculation of its negative effects, а величина була досить умовною – розмір додаткового імпортного збору (5% and 10%) in many cases exceeds the standard import duty, contrary to economic logic.

Additional import duty is not a significant factor restricting imports, but rather, due to lower competitiveness of domestic producers on foreign markets, призводить до падіння експорту і втрати українських позицій на традиційних ринках збуту.

Each subsequent month of the additional import duty reduces the chances of Ukrainian technological products processed in the competition on the foreign and domestic markets. In such circumstances, is economically attractive production of raw materials, compared to high technology, high-tech products with great degree of processing.

Thus, establishes additional import duty status, as agro-raw appendage.

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