Archive for 'earnings'

Order of the Agriculture Ministry unambiguous products with cocoa and chocolate is an important contribution to harmonization with EU legislation

May 25 2016 published under Uncategorized, earnings

imagesThis statement was made head of the Association Alexander Ukrkondprom Baldynyuk in connection with the publication of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine №157 «On approval of requirements for products with cocoa and chocolate".

"National producers kondyterky, especially exporters, have long been waiting for this Order ", – the head Ukrkondpromu.

According to him, The order will unify with EU legislation and international standards "Codex Alimentarius" requirements chocolate products, enhance and harmonize the classification of pastry and fill gaps in domestic regulation, to facilitate the development confectionery exports to the European market. continue Reading »

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Ukrkondprom welcomes the efforts of the Ministry of Infrastructure to restore transit through Russia

Feb 24 2016 published under earnings

SONY DSCThis statement was made today chairman of the Association "Ukrkondprom" Alexander Baldynyuk.

За словами керівника галузевої асоціації, currently railway and motor transit through Russia remains the main route of delivery Ukrainian export goods to Central Asia, Mongolia and China. Therefore, efforts to unlock Minifrastruktury of Ukrainian goods and provision of unimpeded transit through Russia is an important tool to preserve traditional Ukrainian presence in foreign markets.

Welcoming the initiative of public opposition to Russian aggression, O.Baldinûk, However, highlighted, that the global international transit lies mostly outside the bilateral Ukrainian-Russian relations and affects the interests of many partners Ukraine, including, EU countries. So, in his opinion, finding effective responses to the next aggressive step by Russia should be considered a threat, that blocking international transit Ukraine could lead to undermining the image of Ukraine as a reliable international transit, reorientation of transit flows through other neighboring countries without significant damage to the Russian economy. continue Reading »

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comments A.Baldınyuka “LIGABiznesInform” on Ukraine war damages in transit, RF started

Jan 11 2016 published under earnings



The head of a trade association Ukrkondprom Alexander says Baldynyuk, in October 2015 the representatives of the confectionery industry met with officials of the Ministry of Infrastructure, who reported, they are going to negotiate with Georgia, Azerbaijan and other countries in order to create a transport corridor with a passage rate. “Businesses will not have to negotiate separately with each country, whose territory is crossed transport corridor, freight rate will be unified – from Ilyichevsk to the opposite shore of the Caspian Sea in Kazakhstan. This will be one train, which is loaded and unloaded in Ukraine, let us say, In Kazakhstan”, – He tells Baldynyuk. but, he says, no information from the Ministry of Infrastructure to establish an alternative transport corridor through the Caucasus and through the tariff for transportation until the producers have not received. continue Reading »

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Expert opinion in “European truth”: #Betrayal chocolate: Ukrainian exporters who framed

Nov 02 2015 published under earnings

Evro_pravdaWITH 23 April last year, the EU started to unilaterally apply the trade part of the Association Agreement with Ukraine. Для українських кондитерів цей крок означає відкриття доступу до європейського ринку, whose capacity is in part sweets 45 billion euros. For comparison, capacity of confectionery market of the Customs Union – $15 billion.

By signing the EU Association defended sweets from our high duties at 35-50% cost of production, making Ukrainian exports “Confectioner” to the European Union almost impossible.

Instead, a new trade regime provides for full liberalization of mutual trade in confectionery between Ukraine and EU.

Проте за період від початку дії торговельних преференцій середньомісячний обсяг поставок вітчизняної кондитерської продукції до ЄС склав 2,6 th. tonnes. It is only 8,3% compared with previous deliveries within the trade regime. continue Reading »

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