Archive for 'earnings'

Day of Food Industry

Oct 12 2017 published under Uncategorized, earnings


Dear colleagues!

We sincerely happy pleasant opportunity to congratulate you on your professional holiday - the Day of Food Industry Workers.

Ваш досвід, highly qualified, faithful to his chosen profession, невтомна праця для подальшого розвитку харчової промисловості слугують гідним взірцем для наслідування.

Зичимо Вам плідної професійної діяльності, success in this necessary work, невичерпної енергії, Financial prosperity and new achievements.

Let your creative ideas come true and plans, andsi your endeavors always accompaniedUT hope and success.

Нехай доля збагачує Вас життєвою мудрістю, energy, inspiration and joy today.

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Draft Order "On approval of requirements to sugars, intended for human consumption "

Sep 21 2017 published under Uncategorized, earnings

sakhar-nyashka-vkusnyashkaDear colleagues!

On the website of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine published for public comment a draft order "On approval of requirements to sugars, intended for human consumption ", which is scheduled to enter into force on 01.09.2022 year.

You can read the text of the link –

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International exhibition of confectionery industry «Sweet Ukraine 2017"

sweets-new (1)The Technical Committee of Standardization 152 "Production of confectionery and food concentrates" informs the completion of the International exhibition of confectionery industry "Sweet Ukraine 2017" in the framework of the Week of Food Technology, organized by the Ministry of Agricultural Policy and Food of Ukraine jointly with «ACCO International». The exhibition was held 12-14 September 2017 in the city of Kiev on Brovarsky Ave., 15.

On the collective stand of the Association "Ukrkondprom" participated in sections sector:

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Statement of business for the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on the tax on capital withdrawn

Sep 19 2017 published under Uncategorized, earnings

Представники українських бізнес-асоціацій висловлюють занепокоєння з приводу заяв вищого політичного керівництва держави щодо перенесення дати ліквідації дискреційного податку на прибуток та переходу до оподаткування виведеного капіталу

Відповідно до рішення Національної ради реформ 2016 year, and in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On Amendments to the Tax Code of Ukraine on improving the investment climate in Ukraine", moment of withdrawal of one of the most corrupt and Ukraine discretionary taxes - corporate income tax - and replace tax on distributed profits should be the same 01 January 2018 year. More, thereby making the law regulates the draft law on the introduction of a new system of taxation of corporate profits to the vote the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine in July 2017 year.

Зміна концепції оподаткування прибутку підприємств є системною реформою, which can significantly reduce the overall level of corruption in the tax area. Though, what, for estimates of experts, the introduction of new income tax may reduce revenues to 25 billion. UAH. у перший рік після запровадження моделі ПнВК, its positive impact on investment and business environment will provide additional economic growth at 2% VVP.

In addition, elimination of income tax and the transition to the model PnVK significantly simplify administration of taxation of corporate profits and the need for checks, reduce corruption opportunities and zlovzhyvannyaz the tax orhananiv and increase domestic investment resources of the enterprise.

Враховуючи вищезазначене, civil society and business call Cabinet decision fulfill the current legislation and the National Council reform and in the shortest possible time to consider and agree on a draft law on the introduction of taxation of capital extracted and submit it to the Parliament.

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