Archive for 'earnings'

Online webinar: Export of confectionery to the Gulf countries

Jul 09 2020 published under Uncategorized, earnings, news

Dear exporter!
 We inform, what 14 July 2020 will host an online webinar for confectionery manufacturers “Overview and features of work with the Gulf countries”, organized by a state institution “Ukrainian Export Promotion Office” at the request of the Association “Ukrkondprom”, partner of the event“Association of Ukrainian and Arab businessmen and investors”. 
The purpose of the event:
Present an overview to Ukrainian confectionery producers 6 of the studied countries for the choice of priority directions of export development;
Provide practical advice on entering the studied markets;  
Inform about the peculiarities of freight between the Gulf countries and Ukraine in 2020 year;
Present the services of the Export Promotion Office relevant for companies in the confectionery sector.

Researched countries:
Saudi Arabia

During the webinar you will receive the following information:

  1. Overview of the Gulf countries: chocolate trade statistics, sugar and flour confectionery; the size and dynamics of the markets of selected countries; volumes and trends in consumption; consumer analysis; examples of product packaging;  brandy.
  2. Features of working and doing business with partners from the Gulf countries: practical tips for entering the markets, what to know and remember at the beginning of export expansion.
  3. Overview of transport connections between Ukraine and the Gulf countries.Problems, faced by importers and exporters in connection with the pandemic. How to secure the supply chain in today's conditions.

Details of the event:

date: 14 July 2020 year
Online platform: ZOOM
Beginning: 11:00 
End of the event: 13:00

The working language of the event: Ukrainian.


Registration lasts until 12:00, 13 July 2020 year.

Registration: = 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000

Participation in the sector webinar is available only after registration in the personal account at the official onepage Office andpassing the export readiness test.
You will receive confirmation of participation by13 July inclusive to the e-mail specified in the registration form.

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For Food-business methodical recommendations on prevention of distribution of COVID-19 on production are developed

May 07 2020 published under Uncategorized, earnings, news

Why food safety is more important than quality ...

Specialists of the Ministry of Economy and the State Food and Consumer Service with the involvement of business representatives have developed guidelines for preventing the spread of acute respiratory disease COVID-19, caused by coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, at cultivation facilities, maintenance, slaughter, processing and circulation of animals and food production.
The relevant document is based on the WHO recommendations “COVID-19 and food safety: A Guide for Food Companies ”and aims to provide producers and market operators with more information on their possible actions in the context of the spread of COVID-19.
The guidelines are not legal and are not binding.
The document is available /by link /.

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Draft Order of the Ministry of Economic Development, of Trade and Agriculture of Ukraine “On Approval of Requirements for Coffee Extracts and Chicory Extracts”

What is healthier than coffee or chicory? Can coffee be replaced with chicory?

According to the article 9 Of the Law of Ukraine "On the Principles of State Regulatory Policy in the Field of Economic Activity" of the Ministry of Economy promulgates the draft order "On approval of Requirements for coffee extracts and chicory extracts" (hereinafter - the draft order).

The draft order is intended to harmonize national labeling requirements for coffee extracts and chicory extracts with the requirements of Directive 1999/4 / EC of the European Parliament and of the Council 22 February 1999 year about coffee extracts and chicory extracts.

The electronic version of the draft order is posted on the website of the Ministry of Economic Development, trade and agriculture of Ukraine ( in the sectionDocuments in the heading "Discussion of draft documents”.

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Approved methods of sampling to determine the levels of mycotoxins in food during the state control

Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "лабораторні випробування"

Entry into forceMinistry of Agriculture of the order 22 May 2019 , the number 264 "On approval of the sampling method for determining the maximum permissible levels of mycotoxins in foods for the purposes of state control" (registered in the Ministry of Justice 12 June 2019 by the number 608/33579).

Methods developed to meet the requirements of the European Parliament and of the Council (EU) Number 401/2006 of 23 February 2006.

The adoption order will implement the same for state veterinary inspectors, accredited laboratories and operators sampling methods to determine the maximum allowable levels of mycotoxins in foods for the purposes of state control.

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